Yesterday I got notice that my pig was ready so in the morning we drove south to Greg’s meats to pick it up.
We had ordered a 1/2 hog. It is about 110 lbs of meat. Mostly pork chops (I’ll figure out how to order for more roasts next time) but also 13 lbs of pork sausage, 15lbs or so of bacon, one whole ham split in to two large hams plus 5lbs of fat to render for basically free. Average cost per pound of around $2.15.
After we drove north to Hinckley, MN because Chris and her dad are going to see Tanya Tucker in concert tonight at the casino there. We had dinner with her parents at the casino and then I worked on writing emails from her parents room there while Chris and her dad went to the concert and her mom worked the slot machines.
I wanted to get about 5 emails out to promote the paid offer from my presentation and give out the promised free bonuses like email samples from me, a coaching worksheet from Jacob, and the recording of the presentation itself.
I’m tired so things are going slowly.