I decided to take a day trip to Tahoe and see what snow was left after the epic winter snow fall. I took the I-80 route up to stop by Squaw Valley which is supposed to be open through July.
There wasn’t any snow left until near Donner Pass at 7000 feet and then quite a bit there. Then through Truckee and down to Squaw. What impressed me there was how crowded it was. At least 6 rows of cars in the parking lot when I got there, lots of people getting on their winter ski clothes and me in jeans and a Hawaiian shirt.
There was one couple dressed “sensibly” in shorts and t-shirts, I thought. Weather felt like high 50s or low 60s. Quite a bit of snow on the mountains at higher levels and people skiing all the way down to base level. I imagine it’s pretty icy but they were having fun.
In the parking lot on the way out, there was a 20 or 25 foot tall mound of snow that had built up from plowing the parking lot. It looked like a huge lump of coal as parking lot snow especially picks up a lot of dirt.
After that I drove down to Tahoe and sat by the shore and read one of my marketing books for a while. It was very pretty and comfortable temperatures. Not too cold and not too warm.

On the way back, I stopped at the Donner Pass rest stop again and saw a lot of snow. The snow was up to the roof of the rest area. I presume it had been higher. It was a fun trip.