I went to the morning networking group as usual and it was a larger crowd of 12 with several new people. The group keeps gradually growing.
My commercial was ok and there are a couple of people I’ll follow up with. After, I ended up talking to a crazy person for a while. I didn’t realize he was crazy at first. His business sounds like a reasonable business providing home based services (I’m being intentionally vague). I generally don’t meet with MLM reps anymore except in special circumstances.
But as he was talking about himself there were some curious red flags from claims that seemed more and more extraordinary about other businesses he does. And then the thing where as a side gig he writes treaties for small countries. (He learned from a unique and semi-secret US based school). And then the app idea which, due to its quasi-legality, would need to be hosted off shore and, of course, involved bitcoin. Well actually it involved all of the crypto currencies (bitcoin, etherium, and I presume all the way up to Dogecoin and Kanye-coin / Coinye but who knows).
Ultimately he reminded me a lot of a former business partner of mine. And a certain president of a prominent first world nation.
Other than that, I worked on a couple of client things and made progress on a small online course I’m writing. I’m trying to keep it small. Trying hard.