I drove my girlfriend Chris to work (her school) so I could do some final errands. I wanted to go by Greg’s Meats and get a couple Christmas presents and likewise a final stop at Aldi. Then back to her place to pack, cook some chicken to be helpful and get some work in.
The weather today was quite nice (cold in the 20s) and the snow on the ground here and there is pretty. A thin film of ice had formed on some of the small lakes / large ponds around here and by afternoon that had melted off.

I picked Chris up after school and from there we went to the airport and I took my plane home.
I mostly read and listened to podcasts on the plane and it was an uneventful flight.
The smoke around Sacramento from the fires is awful. It was good to see my mom and stepdad. I was pretty tired by the time I got back to their house and went to sleep.