I worked pretty intensely today. I turned off everything and focused. It works well. Glad I figured it out. Seems super obvious in hindsight. And works. [Editors note: I finished some of these last 8 days of posts out of order and I notice I repeated my self pretty often about the focus technique I learned. Almost like I hadn’t mentioned it before and then I would mention it again. I’m caught up now and I think I’m done mentioning that now. I just wanted to let you all know, I became aware of the repetition. Eventually.]
I ran a few errands and did some social media for the article about WordCamp I posted yesterday. I particularly wanted to do separate posts on Twitter for each of the 3 presenters I talked about in the article so that they would see that I wrote about them. They all thanked me separately. It had the desired effect of implicitly providing them thanks for giving them the presentation and them saying thanks back for mentioning them.