I’m continuing to explore some new paths on my walking. Sunday I had taken an extra long walk and there was a hill that was longer so I cut back a bit today. There is a lake nearby and I’m seeing if I can walk around it. I found a secluded park there and it was pretty peaceful and nice. I’m really enjoying walking and find I’m drawn to walk longer and longer. I’ve never really been into exercise so I’m intrigued by this compulsion. It doesn’t make sense to me but I’ll keep going.

I got my business cards and I really like the new design. OfficeDepot (or OfficeMax, I can’t remember anymore) has a bunch of fancy paper options for when I want to get nicer cards but these will do for now. I still think $10 for 50 cards printed same day is pretty good. It will be cheaper if I do a non-store order but that will come later.
Other than that I worked on a couple of projects and had a good day. In the evening it was very nice outside so we sat out in front of the house and chatted with neighbors. The mosquitoes weren’t out yet so it was really nice.