Today I turned in my keys for my apartment. It was a great space and I really enjoyed living there. The kitchen worked really well. My daughters and I spent some great times there. I’ll miss it. But with me spending more and more time in Minnesota and not being there for the last 3 months with surgery recovery and all, I decided some time ago it was time to let it go.
Today I was also thinking about business networking events and remembered I should look into the WordPress conferences that happen regularly: WordCamp. The Sacramento one is in September and I saw the one in Minneapolis is at the end of August so I realized I could attend both of them.
Then later today a related opportunity dropped into my lap. A call for speakers on the beginner training track came out for the Sacramento WordCamp and I said yes to volunteering and was accepted. The speaking job was touted as needing less preparation because it is showing how to use part of WordPress and they will provide the computer and an outline of what to cover. I can do that.
Additionally, speaking to a room full of beginning WordPress users is great for me because that is my potential target market. People who think they want to manage WordPress themselves and want to learn about it but may find it is too much trouble and they should work with me. It is a good opportunity and good practice. I’ll be looking for other speaking opportunities before then but I was happy this one just happened.
I had a nice dinner out with DaughterA. We went to a local Korean BBQ place which was fun. And then I headed to bed early. I’m trying to adjust my sleep schedule prior to flying to Minnesota.