I slept in a bit. I enjoy holiday Mondays. (It’s Memorial Day today). I enjoy that no one is looking for me, I can do what I want in the morning without regard to schedule. I enjoy that.
My Girlfriend gave me good advice about my first “new style” blog post for my business blog so I’ll revise that. Most of the sentences started with “I” and looking over this blog, that seems common here as well. The business blog needs a slightly different voice than here, though this could use less of the word “I” as well. It is probably a lazy writing habit. It feels like something that would be good to work on.
Looking over my list of potential business blog topics, most of them are technical. How to solve this technical problem or learn that technical skill. My ideal customers, however, need me to do technical things for them. My ideal customers, I think, have more needs for things like finding their own ideal customers, understanding why to track conversions from a Facebook ad to their web page’s landing page. That latter one *is* technical but there is marketing motivating the specific technique. Balancing the technical with the business training will be an important part of the new blog (and eventually email list).

After dinner we went out for ice cream. Normally we would go to Burr’s yet they were inexplicably closed on a 95 degree Monday on a holiday weekend. Burr’s serves ice cream from Vic’s on Riverside so we went there.
Vic’s is a Sacramento landmark, in business since 1947, makes their own very good ice cream and I had not been there in a long time because Burr’s is closer and serves the same ice cream.
Except, apparently, they don’t. The ice cream at Vic’s store is much better than the ice cream they ship to Burr’s. Not a little better. Better enough that I’m re-evaluating the ice cream ranking scoreboard I keep in my head. (Yes, it is there). I admit I had been somewhat disappointed by Burr’s over the last couple of years. Izzy’s in Minneapolis/St Paul had edged it out of the top spot on my list. Now Vic’s and Izzy’s are fighting it out in there. I’ll have to do another taste test at Vic’s before I go to Minnesota later this summer. I could do an entire blog post on ice cream.
Hi, Michael. I’ve very much enjoyed your JumpStart blogs and have read every one. Your progress has been remarkable.
Today I’m compelled to send a comment about ice cream. Although we live about a 10 minute walk from Burr’s we never go there. I think it’s dirty, if not downright insanitary. The ice cream from Vic’s is certainly good and may be better from the original store, but the ice cream from Gunther’s is, IMHO, far superior. Vanilla is the benchmark, and you absolutely cannot beat it, at least here in Sacramento. I don’t know what your favorite flavor is, but give Gunther’s a try next time, and let me know what you think.
Continue to improve. We wish you well.
Deb an Rick
I have tried Gunthers and have found that I like Vic’s more. I’ll try it again once I’m back in Sacramento. I had always heard good things about Gunthers.
I agree with you with the Vanilla test. What I’m looking forward to now is taste testing against Izzy’s in the Twin Cities area. That has been my recent favorite however my re-discovery of Vic’s is making me question that.
All three of these are all good ice creams. The differences are fairly small between really good ice creams.
Stay cool.