(NOTE: I realize much of my audience has nowhere near the interest in computers and tech as I do. Still, I’m going to write about what interests me. However, if you run across something that is getting too technical, I am trying to keep such lapses limited to once per post and limited to a single paragraph. Skip to the next paragraph and it will be ok. Though you might miss some humor along the way… 🙂

Overall I slept well though I was up from 2am till 5am. At 2 I finally got frustrated enough with my laptop occasionally not connecting to the house Wifi and setup the router. Previous attempts had been the naive assumption that I could just have it connect to house wifi itself and then route packets but that is more complex. The compromise for now is to wire the new router to the AT&T Uverse router and then I connect to the new box and that works fine. Eventually I’ll set the second router up to connect point to point to this one and then I’ll have high speed access to the back of the house and at that point be able to run a wire to my desktop computer. I’ll produce a wiring diagram and probably a tutorial article when I get that setup. (I know I know, most of my readers are the audience for it…)
I’m at the point of forgetting to even take tylenol for pain now which is nice. I went with my mom to the grocery store (another novelty) and did my walks and did some work for my business. Today I’m really feeling like my mind is back to 100% normal (or as normal as that ever is). I still need to catch up on pending blog posts and do more business related research. It is amazing that in 13 days I’m feeling relatively so good.
I chopped veg again for roast vegetables and decided the cutting board is more than 5lbs so I need to be careful with how I move it around. I normally would carry it over the sink to wipe it down regularly in the interest of cooking clean. I’ll adjust so I don’t hurt myself more.
I started planning out the art I need for future blog posts. For now I just have an additional line next to the notes for each entry in my master blog notes file. Art either is done or todo with a suggestion or a worrying series of question marks. This is fun, though. I like having a process and a routine and the writing is getting easier as I keep doing it.
Last thought, I’m suspicious I’m doing something wrong with respiratory therapy. My inhale meter has been stuck between 2000ml and 2500ml for the last 4-5 days. I.e. I can’t get it higher than that vs the slow steady progress I was getting at the start. I’ll research and see what I might be missing.