My flight to Baltimore is today so I was up at 4am. But I also woke up at midnight thinking of how best to get from Baltimore Washington airport to Elizabth’s apartment with extra luggage.
I’ve done it before but I wasn’t excited about rolling two big bags down city streets. Ultimately I decided my usual route with a 1/2 block modification was best. And went back to sleep.
So up at 4am, my wonderful and amazing girlfriend drove me to the airport and the flight was pretty uneventful.
From BWI, I took light rail to the station near Mt Vernon (hill with nice houses and statue of George Washington on a tall pedestal). Walked along and found my new route there had less hill and Elizabeth was waiting there.
We had a nice morning visit, she made a delicious Indian curry, and went to work. I caught up on some work and went to bed early. Elizabeth was working a 4pm to midnight shift at her work.