I managed to pack 3 meetings into one day. One was a call but two were in person and needed to get to them before I leave town tomorrow.
First was a financial advisor I’m helping a little with marketing. We had a good call reviewing her website, social media, and talking about some strategies for getting more clients. There was a particular LinkedIn approach that made sense to her to try next. It’s something I’ve been learning about and looking to try on live test subjects.
Then I met with another financial advisor that I also know from one of the networking groups. We were just meeting to be social and get to know each other’s business. I had no overt intention to sell and I still don’t really claim that I know how to work with financial advisors… However when the conversation was flowing well and we were comfortable, I believe there was an unconscious part of me that had some agenda when I casually mentioned I was working with another financial advisor and trying something new.. He perked up.
Seems he has been trying a similar approach but doing it manually. What I’m proposing is automated. He got excited. So now two test subjects. These won’t be to make money but to experiment and give me amazing testimonials. If successful, I’ll then use the same technique myself to find financial advisors who need the technique. That will be for money.
Afternoon meeting was with a couple I met at WordCamp Sacramento in September. They blog about home automation products full time and had expressed some interested in email marketing help. They are too early on that for us to do anything yet plus their focus is on YouTube right now. Everything seems pretty high risk but that’s fine. Both are now on my mailing list and we’ll keep in touch.
I went to bed early since I’m getting up at 3am tomorrow.