I got up early (6:30am) because I had an 8:30am client meeting. I checked my email when I got up and there was a response about my print advert. See, I had sent the draft of it to a professional copywriter I follow and whose newsletter I subscribe to (paid). He is willing to critique writing / ad copy of people who subscribe and he has given very good advice before.
Anyway, his email had a bunch of good pointers for how to improve my ad. I spent about 45 minutes integrating some of his suggestions and printed out a copy of this version to take to my meeting.
My first meeting was good. I showed both advertising drafts and my client liked the newer one I had worked on this morning which is good. I need to finish that up this weekend so it can go to print next week.
I had a longer meeting with my finance guy and pal Phil about business ideas he has. That was another good meeting.
Then I came back home and worked. I needed to do my Friday company email and some social media. This week I failed at scheduling anything ahead of time so I was doing todays email today. I got it done around 3:30pm, scheduled for 5:45pm as usual. I’ll try to plan ahead more effectively.
I’m really tired and will head to bed early. Up late working on the advert and up early today left me third today.