Day 199 – Friday

I had a good walk and I think felt pretty good. I woke up free of the effects of the vampire from the day before. I also ran across someone who was asking for help with her website for money on one of the local discussion boards I follow.

I emailed her back directly and we setup a time to talk. It is an interesting project. She wants to be a fashion blogger and has a professional fashion related background and some other elements. Except she doesn’t think she can really afford me. I said we could talk further, I wanted to research one of the things she is doing and she will be out of town till Sunday.

My marketing partner and I spoke some about the client we talked with earlier in the week. He is worried about money (apparently again) and they are thinking about it still. This is ok. It will work out or it won’t and my marketing partner is going to keep looking for more opportunities. And I imagine she won’t have trouble finding more. She has the sales skills that I’ve been looking for in someone for a while.

She also reminded me that I should try to go to a city council campaign event she was helping host as there will be potential clients for us to talk to. I agreed and decided I needed a new shirt. That my personal brand of always wearing Hawaiian shirts might not work there. So off to the mall. I’m efficient so I found something nice and on sale and pretty quick. Worked on some stuff remotely to kill time and then went to the event.

The event was interesting. She introduced me to the 3 candidates who wee there and met some other people. I had some good conversations and exchanged business cards with a life coach who wants help with some marketing. Overall it was good to be seen and talk to people and talk about us working together.

There continue to be interesting opportunities.