Day 90 – Leads

Wow, day 90. Time sure does pass.

I took a really nice walk around the block in the morning around 8am. It was still pretty cool and the humidity had not come up. Though by later in the day it still wasn’t humid at all with a nice breeze so outside was lovely today. I didn’t know about the nice weather until after the fact because I was inside working.

I spent some more time yesterday thinking about customers from Thumbtack and the relative cost of doing business there. Granted this was on a pretty small sample size of one but it was worth thinking about what sort of business I could do at the low end of pricing.

One idea which is in no way original is that I create some basic websites and have them available on a menu with limited customizations. You can have the A, B, or C style site and choose some basic colors and font styles and give me a logo image and you are basically done. You get a package of training videos and you can do what you want.

But wait, there’s more, I can also maintain the site for an extra low price (because I won’t do anything but bare-bones) and if you pay for a year in advance there is a further discount and if you bundle packages together there are further savings.

Doing some math it looked like having 200 customers (222 to be specific) I could hit my current revenue goals and that doesn’t sound impossible. I don’t think I’ll focus on the low end however the pre-made basic websites are useful for my own portfolio. I don’t have a bunch of sites to show as examples of my work. There isn’t anything wrong with me building some for demo purposes as examples of my work. At the least, I’ll do some of that and then I’ll also have something if there is a compelling low end customer.

Independent of all of that I found two more customer leads. One on Thumbtack who has money and one from another site who didn’t seem crazy. I’ll know about where those two lead in the coming days. For the one with money I put together a very nice proposal and analysis of her website including a tutorial video showing how to fix a couple of the issues I saw. Always give out lots and lots of value.