I did some more work finishing packing at my apartment, I did some writing, and I went to a client meeting. The writing is still for my company blog, writing draft articles, and coming up with ideas of topics to cover. I’m really enjoying the setup for that. I plan to launch it next week and am spending time this week getting a backlog of writing done so I don’t have a daily deadline, much like this blog. The most important thing at this point is to setup the system where I’m writing on that blog regularly and getting stuff out there. Once that is going I can fine tune what I’m doing and try to grow readership and turn it into an email list.
The client meeting was good. It was to kick off real work on an additional website they want me to work on and separately starting to help them with some marketing email work. So with moving preparations, my new writing project, that client work and some additional work I need to do, this is going to be a busy week. I like busy.
Health wise I’m feeling great. I still am not supposed to lift anything. Other than that, I don’t have any aches and pains to speak of. I feel like I have full range of motion in my neck and arms. I think there is still some stiffness in my chest muscles but it so rarely bothers me that I forget to check if it is there anymore.
Nice photo! I love the flowers there.