I was interviewed on another podcast today.
I think this one went well. It was on the Magic Brad Show. Brad does marketing and event planning which he has had to entirely move online. He also has done amateur magic. Part of his current business is interviewing people and then offering to promote the interviews with money.
We are going to do a mixture of that, details to be determined. I think I can help him with his business promotion and there are some things I can learn from him about advertising. A reasonable amount of money will be involved at first as an experiment. We will talk more next week.
Looking back on this week, I see a couple things that didn’t go as planned which I can adjust for future weeks.
The website project I worked on wasn’t scheduled properly and that was a mistake. In future, things like that need larger blocks of time.
The other part is I needed and need to finish some marketing updates on my own business. While I’m doing tasks like that, it is very hard to impossible to do marketing tasks that require those updates. Makes sense in hindsight. So I’ll schedule differently in future.
It’s something I’ll document in this week’s company meeting and schedule out differently next week so everything runs more smoothly. I felt this week like I was behind but it was really that my schedule was broken which is uncomfortable.