Today is my day to have a lot of calls.
From coaching two clients to catching up with a networking contact and my mastermind group.
I’m still able to very effectively help people
One client and I are working on a business opportunity together and she is pushing me to reach out to more people in that area (financial services) and I appreciate the push. I think there are a lot of potential customers and money there.
The mastermind group was good. One member I need to speak with about staying positive, though.
I’m enjoying thinking about Thanksgiving plans.
This is something we were discussing when my Mother and Bob were over visiting.
It’s unlikely Thanksgiving or Christmas will be normal this year.
Yet food and fellowship are important.
I’m inspired by take-out food and have an idea to cook a Thanksgiving dinner of “leftovers”. Food that travels and re-heats well. And that will be the meal, delivered in take-out boxes.
Anyone comfortable gathering comes over, dressed warmly with their own camp chair, to sit in the garage and eat at a safe distance. You get your take-out boxes of dinner. Maybe even a bonus box to take home.
I keep liking the idea.